
I have to consider this problem how to write on my blog

Today’s anonimous comment gave me to think about problems on my blog.

I wrote summaries and my opinions about books I read, and put on my blog.
So, you cannot discriminate between author's opinions and my opinions.
It is a problem!

Today’s comment has a real contempt for this book’s author.
Because, my article’s content about this book made a mistake partially.
To tell the truth, this mistake part is my opinions.
So, I made a mistake!

I’m sorry for this book’s author.

My blog’s article gave you just like author’s opinions.
I have to considet this problem how to write on my blog, including a copyright.

My blog’s articles is read in many people everyday.
I couldn’s expected this situation at first.

From now, I consider about my blog as follows:
  1. Delete contens about author’s opinions in my blog.
  2. Think about copyright
I have executed the point of first.
The point of second is ....... I don’t know what to do.

I put my mail-address in my self-introduction.
Please give me comments and questions.

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